> Saft, Wein, Cider > Filtrieren > Zentrifugen

Zentrifuge selbstaustragend 12hl/h 6kw mit Gestell

Gewicht: 350 kg/ST
Produkt-Code: 18315
  • Separator selbstreinigend (Zentrifuge) komplett mit Pumpe, Ventil und Durchflussmesser zur Filtration von Fruchtsäften. Leistung ca. 800-1200l / h

    Fields of application:
    Apple and pear juice clarify and cloudy stabilization.
    Remove the biggest – heaviest particles from the fresh pressed juice and keeps the remaining particles in suspension.
    The degree of clarification is easily adjustable by encreasing passthrough and pressure.

    Scope of supply
    – Skid mounted separator, concentrator version
    – Control panel
    – Self cleaning separators include: automatic prefilter, flow meter, sludge outled and control valves
    – All parts in contact with the product made of stainless steel
    – Steel base where all components are preassembled and tested for plug and play

    – High efficiency self-cleaningclarifiers specifically designed forapplications in the beveragesindustry.
    – High g-force for outstandingseparation efficiency.
    – Large solids space for longer timeintervals between discharges.
    – Liquid ring sealing for reducedoxygen pickup.
    – Ease of maintenance.
    – Extremely simple design ensuring:• Outstanding reliability;• Reduced operation costs;• Reduced sound pressure;
    – Soft start and soft speed recovery after discharges, reducing mechanical stress, hence, wear.

    The self-cleaning function
    ■ The product is fed under pressure, through a close piping (1).
    ■ It is then gently introduced into the bowl through the feeding pipe (2) and the dis- tributor.
    ■ The solids, subjected to the action of the centrifugal force, are forced towards the periphery of the bowl and accumulate in the solids space (3).
    ■ The clarified product rises through the disc stack (4), up to the centripetal pump (5) that discharges it out through a closed piping.
    ■ The accumulated solids are automatically discharged at pre-set intervals

    Technical information
    ■ Feeding pressure: 1-1.5 bar.
    ■ Discharge pressure: up to 5 bar.
    ■ Operating water consumption: 150 – 200 l/h under normal working conditions.
    ■ Product connexions: DIN 40
    ■ Frame size 760x1840x1590mm – ca. 350kg
    ■ 400V 50Hz 5KW 3fase