Inderst Landhandel

Opening hours

We are waiting for you in our store with the following opening hours:

Monday to Friday: 08:00 – 12:30 and 14:30 – 18:30
Saturday: 08:00 – 12:00 o’clock
Sunday: closed

Company vacations
24.12. afternoon till 06.01.
From 07.01. we are gladly here for you again!


Inderst Srl
Via Palade 35/1
I-39020 Marlengo (BZ)
Tel: +39 0473 060 620
Fax: +39 0473 447 412

Delivery address


Inderst GmbH
Neuwiesenweg 6
I-39020 Marling (BZ)
Tel: +39 0473 060 620
Fax: +39 0473 447 412

Legal domicile


Inderst GmbH
Neuwiesenweg 2
I-39020 Marling (BZ)
Tel: +39 0473 060 620
Fax: +39 0473 447 412


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