Landhandel Pet shop Horses Food & accessories

Mühldorfer 5-Grain Plus, oat free 20 kg

Brand: Mühldorfer Pferdefutter
Weight: 20 kg
Product-Code: 31231
  • Energy-specific whole grain muesli for many horses, without pellets.
    Mühldorfer 5-Korn Plus oat-free is an energy-specific whole grain muesli that can form the ideal basis for natural horse feeding. The pellet-free and particularly balanced muesli contains barley, maize, linseed, sunflower seeds and the ancient grain emmer. Due to the extremely gentle processing, it is rich in valuable organically bound vital substances that can be absorbed particularly well by the horse’s organism. Due to the differentiated breakdown of the grain in 5-Korn Plus, the energy is provided in accordance with the feed intake period (short, medium and long term). At the same time, the enzymatic digestion of the carbohydrates is increased and the horse’s digestive organs can be greatly relieved.

    • energy-specific, differentiated digestion: after feed intake, the energy is gradually absorbed, thus avoiding strong fluctuations in the lactate balance and blood sugar level
    • without chemical binding, extraction and preservative agents
    • contains fermented Jerusalem artichoke, which is rich in inulin
    • nutrient-preserving processing for extensive preservation of organically bound vital substances
    • best acceptance and digestibility
    • diverse and natural
    • without pellets

    To ensure a comprehensive supply of essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements, Mühldorfer 5-Korn Plus contains – in addition to the organically bound vital substances of native origin – mineralization and vitaminization in line with requirements.

    Raw materials: Barley / maize (popped, rolled) / sugar beet syrup / sunflower seeds / linseed / calcium carbonate / emmer / Jerusalem artichoke (fermented) / sodium chloride (salt) / sodium bicarbonate / wheat bran / magnesium oxide / monocalcium phosphate