Pasture fence – Euronet for poultry 50m H112cm

Weight: 9,45 kg
Product-Code: 38294
  • • Best international quality
    • Height: 112 cm
    • Lenght: 50 m
    • 12 horizontal polywire – 11 with integrated chrome nickel wire
    • reinforced ground wire
    • Conductor
    – each wire – 3 x Ø 0,20 mm stainless steel conductors
    – upper wire – 6 x Ø 0,20 mm stainless steel conductor
    • Distance vertical polywire: 7,5 cm
    • distance horizontal polywire (bottom-up)
    – 5 x 5 cm
    – 2 x 10 cm
    – 1 x 15 cm
    – 2 x 16 cm
    – 1 x 20 cm
    • 15 plastic post double pointed
    • mesh intersection points welded with plastic seals