Universal processing system 8lt automatic

Brand: frutty
Weight: 127 kg
Product-Code: 31800
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  • It is the perfect choice for:
    Pastries, chocolate, ice cream, gastronomy, restaurants, food processing, ready meals, dairy products, agricultural businesses and country houses.

    Compact and extremely versatile.
    Designed specifically for small productions and r&d laboratories

    Built using the same technology as the industrial models, it can produce pre-production tests or samples easily and exactly.
    Each processing phase is completely automatic and is carried out in a single, extremely rapid work cycle for safe, repeatable and qualitatively superior processes.

    Exclusive rapid cook system up to 120°c for very high quality processes

    Perfect, even, extremely rapid cooking that is delicate at the same time, capable of preserving the nutritional properties in foods thanks to the APS heating system (Advanced Power Steam).
    Ultra rapid product concentration processes, carried out in just a few minutes, saving literally hours of time when compared to traditional systems.
    Results of extraordinary quality with strongly enhanced aromas and unaltered natural colours.

    Qbo40-4 is a complete and versatile work tool that cooks, cools, concentrates, kneads, refines, cuts, mixes, homogenises, pulverises all types of food products.

    Pastries, Chocolate, Ice Creams, Confectionery Industry to make:
    custard and any kind of cream, ganache,
    toppings and other chocolate-based products,
    Spreads, Anhydrous Cream, Pastes with Hazelnuts / Almonds / Walnuts / Peanuts / Pistachios / Pine nuts / Sesame and Coffee pastes.
    Fruit jellies, smooth and chunky marmalades and jams, icings, marzipan,
    dried fruits paste and praline products, condensed milk,
    toppings, fruit juices, candied fruit and mixtures.

    Gastronomy, Catering, Food Processing, Ready Meals to make:
    tomato purée, concentrates, pesto, ready-made sauces, bolognese sauce, béchamel, vegetable creams, soups, pates, smoothies, mayonnaise, risotto, homogenised products for baby food and special diets, mixtures.

    Dairy to make:
    melted cheese from fusion of soft cheeses and/or hard cheeses, analogue cheese, mozzarella paste, yoghurt, tofu.