Cross flow filter semiautomatic 1 membran

Weight: 210 kg
Product-Code: 27980
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  • In a classic filtration the liquid filtrate passes through the filter surface only in a perpendicular way.

    In a crossflow filtration, where the filter-surface is a semi-permeable membrane, the liquid passes through the membrane and also across the membrane and thus keeps it clean of residues.
    According to the size of the membrane’s pore size this can be referred to as microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration or reverse osmosis.

    Main Features
    • Continuous running – 24h filtering cycles
    • Reduced labour – automatic system
    • Constant flow rate – guarantee on processed volumes
    • Operational reliability – operator mistakes are avoided
    • Saving in production costs – clarifying substances and filtering aids not required
    • No more waiting for clarification – quicker tank turnover (fewer tanks)
    • Integral product recovery – lowest unfiltered volumes (0,2% of total volume)
    • Saving in energy – 0,09 kW/100L of filtered product
    • Low pollution – just cold water for cleaning
    • Economic – 0,0018 €/L of filtrate


    Single filtration step of raw products
    Production of wines with sugar residue
    Prevention of malolactic fermentation
    Improvement of the tartaric stability
    Filtration of sparkling wines
    Recovering of second pressings