Monoblocco tappatrice tappi a vite in alu 1500b/h

Codice prodotto: 24652
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  • Macchina tappatrice automatica per capsule a vite in alluminio e capsule prefilettate distribuibili “al volo”

    Capper for ROPP aluminum screw caps
    The capsule magazine is mounted on an vibrator base with speed adjustment. As a result of the vibrations, the aluminum screw caps run over a rail upwards and are oriented at the same time. From the tub, the capsules are inserted into the caps distribution channel and then simply taken by the bottle (in flight).
    When processing long caps small air piston is available (option) which pushes the capsules on the bottleneck quite down. The height adjustment of the capper is done manually via a handwheel and can optionally be done electrically. Due to the central height adjustment of the screw head is adjusted together with the capsule distributor.
    The capper works with a low maintenance ROPP 4 roll capping head with no cap no roll system. In the caps channel are installed sensors which control the capsule distributor fully automatically. The machine is prepared for the installation of a capsule elevator.
    We differentiate between the pneumatic capper (standard) and a mechanical variant (optional).
    In the pneumatic version, the bottles are lifted up pneumatically and pressed into the closing head. Recommended for slower running lines up to 1500b/h.
    The mechanical variant (optional) is suited for capacities of up to 2800 bottles/h. Here, the bottle stops under the capping head and the rolling head moves down mechanically and rolls the cap on.
    Optionally, an inert gas injection can be installed on caps distribution.